Shipping & Orders/Returns

How do I cancel or manage the frequency of my subscription?
Log into Your Account and click on Subscriptions. From there you can manage the order frequency, skip an upcoming order, pause orders, or cancel your subscription. 

How do I return or exchange an item?
If you are unhappy with a product you've purchased, please email us at within 60-days.

How long does it take to process a return?
Once a return is received, it is usually processed within 3-4 business days.

We currently ship only to the U.S.A. but other markets coming soon. 

Once your order ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information. We do not require signatures upon receipt and we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages.

For questions about your package, email us at  with your inquiry and we will respond to you as soon as we can. 

How are shipping costs determined?

National shipping rates are calculated by the shipping provider based on package weight and zip code/destination. Wile, Inc has no control over these fees and they will be billed upon delivery. Please contact your local customs office to determine fees ahead of time.

How do I get free shipping?

We are happy to offer free shipping to the contiguous U.S. This is automatically applied to any orders before taxes and after any discounts are applied. 

What do I do if I need my package by a specific date?

If you need a specific delivery date, we recommend choosing Express 3 Day shipping (if available). Please note that Express Shipping will still require handling time. 

When will I get my package? 

As a small, independent company we are working hard to deliver the best service we can. Our orders are processed within 2-3 business days. From there, you can choose the shipping option that works best for you:

  • Free Shipping on orders over $50 - 2-8 business days

  • Standard Ground Shipping -  Approximately 5-10 business days

  • Express 3 Day - Approximately 1-3 business days

Orders placed after 10 am PST on Fridays, on Saturdays and on Sundays will be processed 2-4 business days from the following Monday. Orders are not shipped on weekends nor national holidays. 

How will I know when my order has shipped?

You will receive an email with tracking information when your label is printed. Please allow 24 hours for the shipping provider to update any information on your tracking.